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Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries or affiliates). This project has been discontinued. Refer to https://arm-auto-solutions.docs.arm.com/ for the current maintained projects.
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Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries or affiliates). Arm Reference Design-1 AE Information: https://developer.arm.com/Tools%20and%20Software/Arm%20Reference%20Design-1%20AE. Project development moved to https://gitlab.arm.com/automotive-and-industrial/arm-auto-solutions/sw-ref-stack
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Only used by the Kronos Reference Software Stack project at https://gitlab.arm.com/automotive-and-industrial/kronos-ref-stack/kronos.
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A Bazel extension to download archives, files and packages for use within Bazel targets
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A Bazel ruleset to enable concise toolchain registration.
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Semantic Release / Dockerode Tag
MIT LicenseA semantic-release plugin that tags Docker images. Can be used to tag built images with the release version tag.
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IoT / Open IoT SDK / examples / blinky
Apache License 2.0DEPRECATED Basic example application to demonstrate usage of key peripherals (GPIO, Timer, Serial) with the Open IoT SDK.
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Cassini / Meta-Cassini
feh LicenseThis project has now to passed to Linaro and the official repository can be found at https://gitlab.com/Linaro/cassini/meta-cassini
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EWAOL / meta-ewaol
feh LicenseEWAOL development has moved to the SOAFEE Special Interest Group and is now hosted at https://gitlab.com/soafee/ewaol/meta-ewaol, and the official documentation at: https://meta-ewaol.docs.soafee.io/
For more details on SOAFEE, please see https://soafee.io/.
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SOAFEE / website
MIT LicenseSOAFEE external website, based on Hugo static site generator
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Research / smarter / distribution
MIT LicenseYocto distribution as foundation for SMARTER deployments
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