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MLBEDSW-10285: MLCE: Output diff caused by wrong ifm box

Johan Alfvén requested to merge MLBEDSW-10285 into main
  • A slice op followed by a conv2d with stride 2 caused an output diff
  • The slice read is moved to the consumer (conv2d) but the problem in this case was that the ifm box calculation was not correct when having a stride greater than one
  • The issue is solved by backporting various fixes from Regor that is making sure ifm and ofm box have correct offsets and sizes
  • Also fixed a hidden problem that read_shape in rewrite_split_ops was calculated erroneously since start and end offset can be less than rank 4 but ifm shape is always 4. That gave a corrupt read_shape. However, read_shape height was not used before this commit so corrupt value was not used and did not cause any problems

Change-Id: Ib71c13cfecf77b2cdc2b5aaf437938577c433bb5 Signed-off-by: Johan Alfvén

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