gaussianBlur fails performance test in OpenCV
Some of OpenCV performance tests have sanity check (some sparce result check against the values saved in XML).
- OpenCV: 4.x (PR:
- KleidiCV: main (df7b9991)
- Device: Pixel 8.
Steps to build: cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/alexander/Android2/ndk/26.2.11394342/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_SDK=/home/alexander/Android2/ -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a -DWITH_KLEIDICV=ON -DKLEIDICV_SOURCE_PATH=/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/kleidicv/ ../opencv-master
shiba:/data/local/tmp $ ./opencv_perf_imgproc --gtest_filter=*gaussianBlur*
TEST: Skip tests with tags: 'mem_6gb', 'verylong'
OpenCV version: 4.9.0-dev
OpenCV VCS version: 4.9.0-384-ga98fb17a0b
Build type: Release
Compiler: /home/alexander/Android2/ndk/26.2.11394342/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang++ (ver 17.0.2)
Parallel framework: pthreads (nthreads=2)
Note: Google Test filter = *gaussianBlur*
[==========] Running 120 tests from 2 test cases.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 40 tests from Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/0, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=25 mean=0.00 median=0.00 min=0.00 stddev=0.00 (2.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/0 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/1, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=25 mean=0.00 median=0.00 min=0.00 stddev=0.00 (1.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/1 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/2, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 7, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 25,
actual_min evaluates to 32, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 30988
bytesOut = 30988
samples = 15 of 100
outliers = 1
frequency = 1000000000
min = 4842 = 0.00ms
median = 4883 = 0.00ms
gmean = 4962 = 0.00ms
gstddev = 0.02931716 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 4964 = 0.00ms
stddev = 149 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/2, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE) (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/3, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 2, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 25,
actual_min evaluates to 27, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
termination reason: reached maximum number of iterations
bytesIn = 30988
bytesOut = 30988
samples = 100
outliers = 8
frequency = 1000000000
min = 10579 = 0.01ms
median = 16968 = 0.02ms
gmean = 17089 = 0.02ms
gstddev = 0.24297371 = 0.03ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 17766 = 0.02ms
stddev = 6967 = 0.01ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/3, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT) (3 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/4, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=14 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (2.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/4 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/5, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (2.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/5 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/6, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (2.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/6 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/7, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (1.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/7 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/8, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (2.7%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/8 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/9, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (1.0%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/9 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/10, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (0.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/10 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/11, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.03 median=0.04 min=0.02 stddev=0.00 (10.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/11 (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/12, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:372: Failure
The difference between expect_max and actual_max is 3, which exceeds eps, where
expect_max evaluates to 228,
actual_max evaluates to 225, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected maximal value
params = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 307200
bytesOut = 307200
samples = 10 of 100
outliers = 0
frequency = 1000000000
min = 35889 = 0.04ms
median = 36011 = 0.04ms
gmean = 36144 = 0.04ms
gstddev = 0.00976792 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 36145 = 0.04ms
stddev = 356 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/12, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE) (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/13, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.08 median=0.08 min=0.08 stddev=0.00 (0.3%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/13 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/14, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.05 median=0.05 min=0.04 stddev=0.00 (4.1%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/14 (5 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/15, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.05 median=0.05 min=0.05 stddev=0.00 (1.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/15 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/16, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.05 median=0.05 min=0.05 stddev=0.00 (2.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/16 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/17, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.05 median=0.05 min=0.05 stddev=0.00 (0.8%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/17 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/18, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.04 median=0.04 min=0.04 stddev=0.00 (1.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/18 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/19, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.04 median=0.04 min=0.04 stddev=0.00 (1.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/19 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/20, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.04 median=0.04 min=0.04 stddev=0.00 (1.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/20 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/21, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.11 median=0.11 min=0.08 stddev=0.00 (3.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/21 (11 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/22, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:372: Failure
The difference between expect_max and actual_max is 2, which exceeds eps, where
expect_max evaluates to 237,
actual_max evaluates to 235, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected maximal value
params = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 1228800
bytesOut = 1228800
samples = 13 of 100
outliers = 1
frequency = 1000000000
min = 143433 = 0.14ms
median = 144308 = 0.14ms
gmean = 144813 = 0.14ms
gstddev = 0.01204278 = 0.01ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 144823 = 0.14ms
stddev = 1763 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/22, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE) (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/23, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 4, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 15,
actual_min evaluates to 19, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
termination reason: reached maximum number of iterations
bytesIn = 1228800
bytesOut = 1228800
samples = 100
outliers = 8
frequency = 1000000000
min = 334839 = 0.33ms
median = 372030 = 0.37ms
gmean = 378047 = 0.38ms
gstddev = 0.07846242 = 0.18ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 379208 = 0.38ms
stddev = 30040 = 0.03ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/23, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT) (40 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/24, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=63 mean=0.15 median=0.15 min=0.15 stddev=0.00 (2.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/24 (10 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/25, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=50 mean=0.15 median=0.14 min=0.14 stddev=0.00 (2.7%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/25 (8 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/26, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.19 median=0.19 min=0.18 stddev=0.01 (3.1%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/26 (20 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/27, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.19 median=0.19 min=0.19 stddev=0.00 (2.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/27 (3 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/28, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.14 median=0.14 min=0.14 stddev=0.00 (1.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/28 (2 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/29, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.14 median=0.14 min=0.14 stddev=0.00 (1.7%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/29 (2 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/30, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.11 median=0.11 min=0.11 stddev=0.00 (1.3%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/30 (2 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/31, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=50 mean=0.26 median=0.26 min=0.25 stddev=0.01 (2.3%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/31 (14 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/32, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 2, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 17,
actual_min evaluates to 19, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
termination reason: reached maximum number of iterations
bytesIn = 3686400
bytesOut = 3686400
samples = 100
outliers = 8
frequency = 1000000000
min = 428670 = 0.43ms
median = 450562 = 0.45ms
gmean = 464715 = 0.46ms
gstddev = 0.06468910 = 0.18ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 465686 = 0.47ms
stddev = 30493 = 0.03ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/32, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE) (73 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/33, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:372: Failure
The difference between expect_max and actual_max is 2, which exceeds eps, where
expect_max evaluates to 237,
actual_max evaluates to 235, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected maximal value
params = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
termination reason: reached maximum number of iterations
bytesIn = 3686400
bytesOut = 3686400
samples = 100
outliers = 8
frequency = 1000000000
min = 993205 = 0.99ms
median = 1039184 = 1.04ms
gmean = 1083417 = 1.08ms
gstddev = 0.08530106 = 0.56ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 1087391 = 1.09ms
stddev = 95184 = 0.10ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/33, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT) (118 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/34, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=15 mean=0.42 median=0.42 min=0.42 stddev=0.01 (2.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/34 (8 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/35, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.43 median=0.43 min=0.42 stddev=0.01 (2.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/35 (6 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/36, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.55 median=0.55 min=0.53 stddev=0.01 (2.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/36 (7 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/37, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=15 mean=0.56 median=0.55 min=0.53 stddev=0.02 (3.0%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/37 (11 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/38, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.47 median=0.45 min=0.42 stddev=0.06 (12.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/38 (69 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/39, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=17 mean=0.45 median=0.44 min=0.43 stddev=0.01 (3.0%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/39 (11 ms)
[----------] 40 tests from Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3 (439 ms total)
[----------] 80 tests from Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/0, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.00 median=0.00 min=0.00 stddev=0.00 (1.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/0 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/1, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (1.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/1 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/2, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.00 median=0.00 min=0.00 stddev=0.00 (1.1%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/2 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/3, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.00 median=0.00 min=0.00 stddev=0.00 (2.1%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/3 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/4, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:372: Failure
The difference between expect_max and actual_max is 6, which exceeds eps, where
expect_max evaluates to 208,
actual_max evaluates to 202, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected maximal value
params = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 30988
bytesOut = 30988
samples = 10 of 100
outliers = 0
frequency = 1000000000
min = 7772 = 0.01ms
median = 7853 = 0.01ms
gmean = 7932 = 0.01ms
gstddev = 0.02380216 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 7934 = 0.01ms
stddev = 191 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/4, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE) (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/5, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:372: Failure
The difference between expect_max and actual_max is 8, which exceeds eps, where
expect_max evaluates to 205,
actual_max evaluates to 197, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected maximal value
params = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 30988
bytesOut = 30988
samples = 10 of 100
outliers = 0
frequency = 1000000000
min = 19898 = 0.02ms
median = 20020 = 0.02ms
gmean = 20142 = 0.02ms
gstddev = 0.01969990 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 20146 = 0.02ms
stddev = 406 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/5, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT) (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/6, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:372: Failure
The difference between expect_max and actual_max is 6, which exceeds eps, where
expect_max evaluates to 208,
actual_max evaluates to 202, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected maximal value
params = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 30988
bytesOut = 30988
samples = 10 of 100
outliers = 0
frequency = 1000000000
min = 7894 = 0.01ms
median = 7995 = 0.01ms
gmean = 8007 = 0.01ms
gstddev = 0.01319071 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 8008 = 0.01ms
stddev = 106 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/6, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT) (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/7, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 5, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 55,
actual_min evaluates to 60, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 30988
bytesOut = 30988
samples = 10 of 100
outliers = 0
frequency = 1000000000
min = 7935 = 0.01ms
median = 8036 = 0.01ms
gmean = 8040 = 0.01ms
gstddev = 0.00760501 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 8040 = 0.01ms
stddev = 61 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/7, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101) (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/8, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (1.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/8 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/9, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (0.7%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/9 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/10, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16UC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (1.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/10 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/11, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16UC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.03 median=0.03 min=0.03 stddev=0.00 (2.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/11 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/12, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (1.8%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/12 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/13, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (2.1%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/13 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/14, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16SC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (1.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/14 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/15, where GetParam() = (127x61, 16SC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (0.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/15 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/16, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=25 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (1.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/16 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/17, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (2.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/17 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/18, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (1.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/18 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/19, where GetParam() = (127x61, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.01 median=0.01 min=0.01 stddev=0.00 (1.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/19 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/20, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.02 median=0.02 min=0.02 stddev=0.00 (1.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/20 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/21, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.04 median=0.04 min=0.04 stddev=0.00 (2.1%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/21 (5 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/22, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.02 median=0.02 min=0.02 stddev=0.00 (1.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/22 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/23, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.02 median=0.02 min=0.02 stddev=0.00 (0.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/23 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/24, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 6, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 48,
actual_min evaluates to 54, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 307200
bytesOut = 307200
samples = 10 of 100
outliers = 0
frequency = 1000000000
min = 62540 = 0.06ms
median = 62825 = 0.06ms
gmean = 63038 = 0.06ms
gstddev = 0.01007073 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 63041 = 0.06ms
stddev = 639 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/24, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE) (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/25, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 10, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 30,
actual_min evaluates to 40, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 307200
bytesOut = 307200
samples = 13 of 100
outliers = 1
frequency = 1000000000
min = 161011 = 0.16ms
median = 161235 = 0.16ms
gmean = 163103 = 0.16ms
gstddev = 0.02766641 = 0.03ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 163161 = 0.16ms
stddev = 4623 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/25, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT) (2 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/26, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 5, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 49,
actual_min evaluates to 54, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 307200
bytesOut = 307200
samples = 10 of 100
outliers = 0
frequency = 1000000000
min = 62540 = 0.06ms
median = 62622 = 0.06ms
gmean = 62941 = 0.06ms
gstddev = 0.01460681 = 0.01ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 62948 = 0.06ms
stddev = 936 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/26, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT) (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/27, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 5, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 49,
actual_min evaluates to 54, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 307200
bytesOut = 307200
samples = 10 of 100
outliers = 0
frequency = 1000000000
min = 62378 = 0.06ms
median = 62602 = 0.06ms
gmean = 62823 = 0.06ms
gstddev = 0.00870808 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 62826 = 0.06ms
stddev = 550 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/27, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101) (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/28, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.15 median=0.15 min=0.15 stddev=0.00 (0.3%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/28 (2 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/29, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.14 median=0.14 min=0.14 stddev=0.00 (0.3%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/29 (2 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/30, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16UC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=50 mean=0.07 median=0.07 min=0.07 stddev=0.00 (0.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/30 (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/31, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16UC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.07 median=0.07 min=0.07 stddev=0.00 (0.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/31 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/32, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.08 median=0.08 min=0.08 stddev=0.00 (2.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/32 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/33, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.08 median=0.08 min=0.08 stddev=0.00 (0.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/33 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/34, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16SC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.08 median=0.08 min=0.08 stddev=0.00 (0.3%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/34 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/35, where GetParam() = (320x240, 16SC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.08 median=0.08 min=0.08 stddev=0.00 (0.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/35 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/36, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.05 median=0.05 min=0.05 stddev=0.00 (1.7%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/36 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/37, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.05 median=0.05 min=0.05 stddev=0.00 (1.8%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/37 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/38, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.05 median=0.05 min=0.05 stddev=0.00 (1.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/38 (0 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/39, where GetParam() = (320x240, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.05 median=0.05 min=0.05 stddev=0.00 (1.0%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/39 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/40, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.07 median=0.07 min=0.07 stddev=0.00 (2.8%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/40 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/41, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.20 median=0.20 min=0.20 stddev=0.01 (4.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/41 (22 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/42, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.07 median=0.07 min=0.07 stddev=0.00 (1.1%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/42 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/43, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.07 median=0.07 min=0.07 stddev=0.00 (1.1%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/43 (1 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/44, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.24 median=0.24 min=0.23 stddev=0.01 (2.7%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/44 (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/45, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.66 median=0.63 min=0.59 stddev=0.07 (11.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/45 (71 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/46, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 2, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 41,
actual_min evaluates to 43, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 1228800
bytesOut = 1228800
samples = 10 of 100
outliers = 0
frequency = 1000000000
min = 235515 = 0.24ms
median = 235758 = 0.24ms
gmean = 236095 = 0.24ms
gstddev = 0.00319677 = 0.00ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 236096 = 0.24ms
stddev = 756 = 0.00ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/46, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT) (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/47, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=12 mean=0.24 median=0.23 min=0.23 stddev=0.01 (3.0%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/47 (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/48, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.22 median=0.21 min=0.21 stddev=0.02 (7.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/48 (23 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/49, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.22 median=0.21 min=0.21 stddev=0.01 (3.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/49 (23 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/50, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16UC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.22 median=0.22 min=0.22 stddev=0.01 (2.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/50 (3 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/51, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16UC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.22 median=0.22 min=0.22 stddev=0.01 (3.0%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/51 (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/52, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.29 median=0.29 min=0.28 stddev=0.01 (2.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/52 (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/53, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.29 median=0.29 min=0.29 stddev=0.01 (2.8%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/53 (5 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/54, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16SC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.29 median=0.29 min=0.29 stddev=0.01 (2.0%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/54 (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/55, where GetParam() = (640x480, 16SC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.29 median=0.29 min=0.29 stddev=0.01 (2.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/55 (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/56, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.20 median=0.21 min=0.19 stddev=0.01 (4.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/56 (21 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/57, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.21 median=0.20 min=0.20 stddev=0.01 (2.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/57 (3 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/58, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.21 median=0.21 min=0.20 stddev=0.00 (0.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/58 (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/59, where GetParam() = (640x480, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.22 median=0.22 min=0.21 stddev=0.01 (3.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/59 (23 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/60, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.22 median=0.22 min=0.21 stddev=0.01 (2.3%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/60 (3 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/61, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.45 median=0.45 min=0.45 stddev=0.01 (3.0%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/61 (54 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/62, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.20 median=0.20 min=0.20 stddev=0.00 (2.3%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/62 (4 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/63, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.20 median=0.20 min=0.20 stddev=0.01 (3.0%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/63 (3 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/64, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:372: Failure
The difference between expect_max and actual_max is 3, which exceeds eps, where
expect_max evaluates to 215,
actual_max evaluates to 212, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected maximal value
params = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
termination reason: reached maximum number of iterations
bytesIn = 3686400
bytesOut = 3686400
samples = 100
outliers = 8
frequency = 1000000000
min = 745442 = 0.75ms
median = 829854 = 0.83ms
gmean = 856924 = 0.86ms
gstddev = 0.10745104 = 0.56ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 861899 = 0.86ms
stddev = 94575 = 0.09ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/64, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE) (131 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/65, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:372: Failure
The difference between expect_max and actual_max is 3, which exceeds eps, where
expect_max evaluates to 215,
actual_max evaluates to 212, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected maximal value
params = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
termination reason: unknown
bytesIn = 3686400
bytesOut = 3686400
samples = 25 of 100
outliers = 2
frequency = 1000000000
min = 1748658 = 1.75ms
median = 1778239 = 1.78ms
gmean = 1784646 = 1.78ms
gstddev = 0.01475278 = 0.16ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 1784832 = 1.78ms
stddev = 26485 = 0.03ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/65, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT) (52 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/66, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:372: Failure
The difference between expect_max and actual_max is 3, which exceeds eps, where
expect_max evaluates to 215,
actual_max evaluates to 212, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected maximal value
params = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
termination reason: reached maximum number of iterations
bytesIn = 3686400
bytesOut = 3686400
samples = 100
outliers = 8
frequency = 1000000000
min = 744832 = 0.74ms
median = 896444 = 0.90ms
gmean = 866807 = 0.87ms
gstddev = 0.09209920 = 0.49ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 870423 = 0.87ms
stddev = 79229 = 0.08ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/66, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT) (145 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/67, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101)
/home/alexander/Projects/OpenCV/opencv-master/modules/ts/src/ts_perf.cpp:370: Failure
The difference between expect_min and actual_min is 3, which exceeds eps, where
expect_min evaluates to 42,
actual_min evaluates to 45, and
eps evaluates to 1.
Argument "dst" has unexpected minimal value
params = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101)
termination reason: reached maximum number of iterations
bytesIn = 3686400
bytesOut = 3686400
samples = 100
outliers = 8
frequency = 1000000000
min = 750895 = 0.75ms
median = 843322 = 0.84ms
gmean = 843629 = 0.84ms
gstddev = 0.06806383 = 0.35ms for 97% dispersion interval
mean = 845565 = 0.85ms
stddev = 57585 = 0.06ms
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/67, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101) (142 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/68, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16UC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=25 mean=0.62 median=0.62 min=0.61 stddev=0.02 (2.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/68 (18 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/69, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16UC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.70 median=0.69 min=0.68 stddev=0.02 (2.4%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/69 (12 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/70, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16UC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=25 mean=0.81 median=0.81 min=0.79 stddev=0.01 (1.5%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/70 (22 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/71, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16UC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.67 median=0.63 min=0.61 stddev=0.07 (10.3%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/71 (71 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/72, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16SC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.86 median=0.86 min=0.85 stddev=0.02 (2.1%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/72 (13 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/73, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16SC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.85 median=0.85 min=0.83 stddev=0.01 (0.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/73 (31 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/74, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16SC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=38 mean=0.87 median=0.87 min=0.84 stddev=0.02 (2.6%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/74 (53 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/75, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 16SC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=10 mean=0.87 median=0.87 min=0.85 stddev=0.01 (1.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/75 (11 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/76, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.63 median=0.61 min=0.57 stddev=0.05 (7.9%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/76 (105 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/77, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=100 mean=0.63 median=0.60 min=0.57 stddev=0.05 (8.3%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/77 (101 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/78, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=13 mean=0.59 median=0.59 min=0.58 stddev=0.01 (2.2%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/78 (11 ms)
[ RUN ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/79, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 32FC1, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ PERFSTAT ] (samples=11 mean=0.59 median=0.59 min=0.57 stddev=0.02 (3.0%))
[ OK ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/79 (9 ms)
[----------] 80 tests from Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5 (1251 ms total)
[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 120 tests from 2 test cases ran. (1691 ms total)
[ PASSED ] 100 tests.
[ FAILED ] 20 tests, listed below:
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/2, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/3, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/12, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/22, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/23, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/32, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType3x3_gaussianBlur3x3.gaussianBlur3x3/33, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/4, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/5, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/6, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/7, where GetParam() = (127x61, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/24, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/25, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/26, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/27, where GetParam() = (320x240, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/46, where GetParam() = (640x480, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/64, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REPLICATE)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/65, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_CONSTANT)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/66, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT)
[ FAILED ] Size_MatType_BorderType_gaussianBlur5x5.gaussianBlur5x5/67, where GetParam() = (1280x720, 8UC4, BORDER_REFLECT101)
Edited by Alexander Smorkalov